Friday, 13 March 2009
YTV, end of an era. A personal view.
I shall always know the place as Yorkshire Television and much prefered the bright and cheerful chevron to the re-branded ITV Yorkshire with the coal black lettering.
The studio building on Kirkstall Road may not be the finest architecture, but to me it is iconic. It's a place that has come to represent a powerful force in the culture of Yorkshire and which has produced some memorable people and programmes. In the forty years we have seen programmes like Follyfoot, Emmerdale, Touch of Frost and Countdown become part TV history. Recently we celebrated our birthday with a look back at some familiar shows. See our page dedicated to 40 years of YTV with some clips from shows.
Forty years ago (yes I know I’m ancient) I was just old enough to be aware of the start of Yorkshire Television back in 1968. I can still hear in my mind the musical sting (a phrase from On Ilkley Moor Bah T'at and announcers like Maggie Mash and a chap with a dark brown voice who's name escapes me.
While at school I was fortunate enough to been given a tour of the studios where I remember a production of the drama Hadleigh taking place with Gerald Harper. My cousin worked on Emmerdale Farm and as a teenager I was smuggled into the YTV bar on many occasions.
I have always harboured a sentimental attachment to YTV and wanted to work at the long low brick building on Kirkstall Road. Eighteen months ago I did in fact return “home” to work in the Calendar Newsroom. I didn’t know at the time that ITV was about to embark on the biggest cuts in its history. Calendar will continue for the time being, but for how long we can't be sure.
For me, my passion for Yorkshire is mirrored by my passion for ITV Yorkshire and it's one that is shared by many of the people who work here in the Leeds studios. It is a devastatingly sad day.
see photos of the YTV building
What are your memories of Yorkshire Television and the service is has provided? Have your say.
First posted 4/3/09 on
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Come on over to our new blog!
You can continue reading the latest insider news from ITV Yorkshire and comment on your favourite stories here:
Friday, 4 July 2008
Clive Hornby
It was announced to ITV staff at 10 o’clock this morning that Clive died last night. As many will know he played a central role in Emmerdale for 28 years as Jack Sugden.
Clive has always been in Emmerdale as far as I can remember. He’s one of these constant figures that gives the show stability and is a kind of reference point. Throughout all the big changes there have been to the storylines, his presence has reassured the public that this is Emmerdale. He is part of the brand’s essence in much the same way as The Woolpack. Without him, and some of the other great characters who have gone before, Emmerdale will be slightly less Emmerdale.
Watch ITV Yorkshire’s obituary here
We are supporting Yorkshire Icons in celebrating 40 years of Yorkshire Television and Clive is one of the iconic figures you can find out how to vote by clicking here.
What are your memories of Jack Sugden? How long have you been following his roll in Emmerdale? Please go to our new blog to post comments
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Street violence - who's to blame?
There are many who will say that parents need to take more responsibility for their children, but teenagers are in that that place where parents face a dilemma; they have to decide how much responsibility to hand over.
So to what extent can parents reasonably take responsibility for their children while at the same time allowing them the freedom to discover the world for themselves? The natural instinct of some parents may be to try and exert control over many aspects of their children’s lives – choice of friends, places they go and when they return home at night. Is this absolutely the right thing to do or could this lead to alienation and secrecy?
The police will say (and have said), that that they need the help of parents to tackle this. So when your teenager says they don’t carry a knife do you believe them?
In one case a parent described how she would search the teenager’s bedroom while they were out.
What do you think is the cause? Is a knife amnesty the answer? What should be done? What advice would you give to parents?
Monday, 12 May 2008
Life at what cost?
Today MPs are debating proposals to change the law on the use of human embryos, and so the media will again be focusing on stories from around the country which reflect the human angles on this controversial discussion.Tonight, Calendar on ITV 1 at 6pm will report one particular story in which a boy has been born to a couple who want to use stem cells from his umbilical cord to treat an older brother with a life threatening blood disorder.
Of course, if the outcome is life for two children who can deny this? However issues arise where one embryo has been selected for genetic compatibility at the expense of others which are discarded. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority has said it is acceptable to test and select embryos to prevent the birth of a baby with a genetic disease, but not to select them in order to help another child. While those supporting the protection of unborn children say that it is unacceptable to discard unwanted embryos.
So, where does this leave a couple wanting to give birth to a “Saviour Sibling”, where the life of one child may depend on another’s? Calendar will be raising the issues and inviting your text comments at 6pm this evening, and of course you can comment here on the ITV Local blog
(Mark Waddington, Channel Manager ITV Local Yorkshire)
Friday, 25 April 2008
Breath of Fresh Air

A brand new series begins tonight on Calendar news in which Jon Mitchell joins writer Mark Reid. Together they go on some of the region's best walks. Not only can you see the film, but we're offering Mark's walk description and a map to download from the site.
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Spiders in Scarborough

Andrew Davies, a Scarborough lover writes..
i really enjoy the scarborough webcam it cheers me up when we aren't in scarborough we can look at it and look forward to going again the only problem is i think that it needs a clean !!!! ive seen two spiders and some seagull poo !!! Thanks Andrew.
Don't forget you can write to us at or leave comments about your favourite Yorkshire places here on our blog