ITV Local Yorkshire Blog: A big hello from us

Monday, 24 September 2007

A big hello from us

Welcome to the first post in our new blog. We had our official launch last week in Emmerdale's Woolpack - very definitly an inside job. We hope that through this blog you will get a rare insight into the inner workings of ITV Local.

The service includes a mix of news, sport and entertainment together with what is usually described as user generated content. “UGC is not a term we like at ITV Local because it sounds a bit like YouTube”, says Mark Waddington the Channel Manager, “this is more than a platform for viewers to show their video clips and films, it’s a chance for them to enter into a new kind of relationship with ITV specifically.”

ITV Local Yorkshire’s ‘partnership with the public’ has been a focus for the work of Channel Assistant Judith Knight, who has spent the last two months building working relationships with local film makers and community groups. “There are so many amazing stories out there that the public rarely gets a chance to see, everyone I have spoken to is really keen to be involved.”

Rabinder Bhachu is the Broadband News Editor for ITV Local Yorkshire and his focus in this busy period has been to work with the Calendar News team to establish how the regular TV output and the broadband service can work together for mutual benefit. “Calendar is less than thirty minutes and so the stories have to be short and snappy and now alongside this we can offer extended versions of the stories for the viewers who want more on a subject."

The last big event for the team is the launch party last week for community organisations and groups where they found out how they can use ITV local to support their activities. “Television is no longer something you just watch”, says Mark Waddington, “but something you can get involved with through ITV Local Yorkshire."

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