Many thanks to everyone who sent us footage and stories last week following the earth quake. I was impressed by the lady's video of her woken from sleep. I think this was by far the best representation of our actual experience, and was the only video I've seen that included clear sound of the earthquake - a better range of viewer accounts than the BBC, I thought.
The ITV Local team has been very busy this last few days re-launching the service to make it even better - quicker, easier to navigate, widescreen and a number of other features. This week the Leeds team is going into regular meetings to come up with ideas about how we can restructure some of the areas on the site. I personally would like to include a 'arts' and a 'faith' sections. We'll also be thinking about how we can do more in 'campaigns', and providing quick news updates for emerging and quickly developing stories is on our priority list.
Cantact me if you have any feedback or ideas.
Finally, the star prize for reporting the earthquake goes to this piece filed to ITV Local from Jimbo Studios minutes after the quake struck.
Mark (Channel Manager)