Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Come on over to our new blog!
You can continue reading the latest insider news from ITV Yorkshire and comment on your favourite stories here:
Friday, 4 July 2008
Clive Hornby
It was announced to ITV staff at 10 o’clock this morning that Clive died last night. As many will know he played a central role in Emmerdale for 28 years as Jack Sugden.
Clive has always been in Emmerdale as far as I can remember. He’s one of these constant figures that gives the show stability and is a kind of reference point. Throughout all the big changes there have been to the storylines, his presence has reassured the public that this is Emmerdale. He is part of the brand’s essence in much the same way as The Woolpack. Without him, and some of the other great characters who have gone before, Emmerdale will be slightly less Emmerdale.
Watch ITV Yorkshire’s obituary here
We are supporting Yorkshire Icons in celebrating 40 years of Yorkshire Television and Clive is one of the iconic figures you can find out how to vote by clicking here.
What are your memories of Jack Sugden? How long have you been following his roll in Emmerdale? Please go to our new blog to post comments
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Street violence - who's to blame?
There are many who will say that parents need to take more responsibility for their children, but teenagers are in that that place where parents face a dilemma; they have to decide how much responsibility to hand over.
So to what extent can parents reasonably take responsibility for their children while at the same time allowing them the freedom to discover the world for themselves? The natural instinct of some parents may be to try and exert control over many aspects of their children’s lives – choice of friends, places they go and when they return home at night. Is this absolutely the right thing to do or could this lead to alienation and secrecy?
The police will say (and have said), that that they need the help of parents to tackle this. So when your teenager says they don’t carry a knife do you believe them?
In one case a parent described how she would search the teenager’s bedroom while they were out.
What do you think is the cause? Is a knife amnesty the answer? What should be done? What advice would you give to parents?
Monday, 12 May 2008
Life at what cost?
Today MPs are debating proposals to change the law on the use of human embryos, and so the media will again be focusing on stories from around the country which reflect the human angles on this controversial discussion.Tonight, Calendar on ITV 1 at 6pm will report one particular story in which a boy has been born to a couple who want to use stem cells from his umbilical cord to treat an older brother with a life threatening blood disorder.
Of course, if the outcome is life for two children who can deny this? However issues arise where one embryo has been selected for genetic compatibility at the expense of others which are discarded. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority has said it is acceptable to test and select embryos to prevent the birth of a baby with a genetic disease, but not to select them in order to help another child. While those supporting the protection of unborn children say that it is unacceptable to discard unwanted embryos.
So, where does this leave a couple wanting to give birth to a “Saviour Sibling”, where the life of one child may depend on another’s? Calendar will be raising the issues and inviting your text comments at 6pm this evening, and of course you can comment here on the ITV Local blog
(Mark Waddington, Channel Manager ITV Local Yorkshire)
Friday, 25 April 2008
Breath of Fresh Air

A brand new series begins tonight on Calendar news in which Jon Mitchell joins writer Mark Reid. Together they go on some of the region's best walks. Not only can you see the film, but we're offering Mark's walk description and a map to download from the site.
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Spiders in Scarborough

Andrew Davies, a Scarborough lover writes..
i really enjoy the scarborough webcam it cheers me up when we aren't in scarborough we can look at it and look forward to going again the only problem is i think that it needs a clean !!!! ive seen two spiders and some seagull poo !!! Thanks Andrew.
Don't forget you can write to us at or leave comments about your favourite Yorkshire places here on our blog
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
St George and the dragon
Looking ahead to this weekend, Scarborough bosts one of the biggest celebrations in the county with the Redcoat soldiers and musicians with military drill, rifle firing and a pageant in his honour. More information here
Friday, 18 April 2008
Rail travel experiences
These pictures were taken in Leeds station this week; it was a fairly quiet day on this particular morning. Commuters will be aware of the large numbers of people pushing through the barriers in the rush hour and the sometimes lengthy process of checking tickets.
As a regular rail traveller it seems to me that there are huge inconsistencies in the way ticket validating is handled across the country. The biggest improvements, in my view, came in London when Oyster Cards were introduced on the underground. Effortlessly, commuters were able to pass through barriers and pre-pay for journeys. The pay as you go aspect of Oyster Cards and the automated way in which the charging is handled across peak and non-peak periods is excellent. Not only do Oyster Cards lead to easy and convenient travel, but are fair on charging.
In my local train station I often see people trying to work out whether or not it’s worth buying a travel card – miss a few journeys and the benefits drain away.
I think we need to get much more sophisticated in the way we handle the payment aspects of rail travel. Think, for example, of the confusing range of options for intercity travel. It's entirely possible to find yourself on the wrong train and forking out maby an extra £90.
(Mark Waddington, ITV Local Yorkshire Channel Manager)
Do you think rail travel can be improved? How? Use the comments tab on this posting.
Also see the ITV Local Yorkshire Travel Channel
Monday, 14 April 2008
Cattle Call - a mischievous musical

Not knowing what to expect from the performance overall and speaking for myself I felt the opening scenes sparked a sense of confusion amongst the audience. A combination of loud opera style singing and active dancers swept the stage floor with each dancer chanting numbers. My first instincts were that It was unusual, musical, energetic and vibrant. At one point in the performance I thought ‘this is complete madness’ so much is going on and I couldn't keep my eyes off the show. I instantly fell in love with the cast members as they gave an excellent performance, there seem to be a strong sense of direction and choreography; not one move looked to be out of position. It was also nice to see such a broad mixture of cultural diversity amongst the cast members who all looked as though they had a good connection between one and other during the their performances. What I liked in particular was the fact that one of the main characters who was more dominantly lead ironically happened to be the most petite and smallest of the cast.
Throughout the play I found it comical, humorous and full of witty innuendos in the music lyrics which had me at the edge of my seat at most times amused. There were also occasions where I wanted to get up out of my seat and join in the dance as I really enjoyed the music. The simple use of setting with most of the performance taking place in the same space, with occasional use of bars to simulate been locked away highlighted how well structured and organised the performance actually was.
My interpretation of the play had me comparing the fact that the play seemed to based on the idea of the gruelling process of auditions, in a sense it was almost like a theatrical version of ‘Fame’ maybe even like an’ X factor’. But I couldn't help comparing the auditions process to a real Cattle Call, where you see a herd of Cattle all confined to a small space waiting for there turn to be chosen to be slaughtered. My comparison arose as I watched the talented dancers perform their crazy (as I’d put it) dance moves emphasizing their flexibility and stamina. Also the fact that they were all wearing a numbered sign just waiting for their number to be called.
Sadly the run at the WY Playhouse was only short, but I'm sure it will be back somewhere in the region before long. If you enjoy a good musical performance with much of the emphasis on dance, and not to forget the comedy, ‘Cattle Call’ is definitely a must see.
Joseph Salmon Trust
Friday, 11 April 2008
Ferret Bowling

And please let us know what you think by using the comments facility on this posting.
Care for wildlife?

We met Steve at the Kirkstall Road wildlife reserve between the river and the railway line. An unlikely spot for nature, we thought, but Steve explained that this was a major route for migrating animals offering them a "motorway" from Leeds up into the Dales.
The film opens with Steve picking up litter from one of the footpaths. I couldn't help thinking how disrespectful many people have become of our natural environment when we noticed rubbish that had been left. There are no roadsweepers here.

The feature about Kirkstall will be shown next week on ITV Local
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Hell, Hull and Halifax
Channel Four aught to be ashamed of publishing its “poll” last year, goodness knows who they asked. It placed Hull as the second worst place to live in the country. Here’s a piece I nicked from the Location, Location, Location website
Kingston upon Hull (or should it be Hell?) sits in isolation on the north east coast of England. It’s nabbed the number two spot thanks to some terrible crime stats, and who’s to stop them? Last year, Hull’s boys in blue were named as the joint worst performing force in the UK.
But give a dog a bad name and it’s difficult to shake off. Hundreds of years ago thieves were singing, “From hell, Hull and Halifax may the good Lord deliver us” (Thieves Litany). This was because the poor blighters were apt to be hung on the gibbet if they got caught in either of these towns. Other places were presumably more lenient. Horribly, Yorkshire then must have been the Texas of the UK.
So the questions of the day are two fold.
1. Should Hull reinstall a working gibbet to deal with its hooligans?
2. What do you say in defence of Hull?
Use the comments facility on this blog
Whilst you’re mulling this over have a look at our dedicated coverage of Glimmer which will do much to redeem the true character of Hull.
(Mark Waddington, Channel Manager, ITV Local Yorkshire)
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Shayne's a green tea man

Big excitement at the ITVL Yorks' HQ today as Shane Ward popped in to talk us.
A note went round that Shayne was insisting on green tea before the interview. One of the Calendar producers said, "bloody green tea! Isn't the brown stuff good enough?"
Then we Googled an article from the Sun which claimed that he is obsessed by sex (aren't we all?). So, a randy green tea drinking prima donna from the wrong side of the Pennines, we thought.
The real Shayne Ward turned out to be a really nice chap. When we presented him with one of our manly ITV Local beer glasses he indicated that he would be putting it to good use. Cheers, we say. (Mark Waddington, Channel Manager ITV Local Yorkshire)
Leave a comment and tell us what you really think of Shayne.
You can see the interview on ITV Local Yorkshire here.
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Springtime and snow!
Friday, 28 March 2008
Curmudgeonly old buggers

Well, I must say! Are you brusque and crusty?
Please leave your comments here and we'll certainly be passing them back to Mr Edmondson in no uncertain terms. But then, maybe you agree with him.
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Easter Snow
Andy Brook of Wakefield said, "I took these photos of Robins in our garden on Easter Sunday. With the snow it looks more like Christmas than Easter! " I think this could be your 2008 Christmas card. See more by clicking here
Monday, 10 March 2008
Otley's Red Kite
Thursday, 6 March 2008
Some small changes to our channels
Local Life will include the following
1/ Campaigns: Have you got a local campaign you want to promote
2/ Faith: a reflection of a broad range of faith communities
3/ Memories: history archive and so on
4/ I Love Yorkshire: local scenesm walks and so on
What's on will include the following
1/ Cinema,
2/ Theatre & Arts: looking for some artists to feature,
3/ Days Out,
4/ Events
Films will include the following
1/ Factual,
2/ Fiction,
3/ Today & Tomorrow: our internet soap,
4/ Film Festivals
These changes will come along before the end of the month. Please let us know if you have any comments or ideas. Mark
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
ITV Local Yorks, looking good
The ITV Local team has been very busy this last few days re-launching the service to make it even better - quicker, easier to navigate, widescreen and a number of other features. This week the Leeds team is going into regular meetings to come up with ideas about how we can restructure some of the areas on the site. I personally would like to include a 'arts' and a 'faith' sections. We'll also be thinking about how we can do more in 'campaigns', and providing quick news updates for emerging and quickly developing stories is on our priority list.
Cantact me if you have any feedback or ideas.
Finally, the star prize for reporting the earthquake goes to this piece filed to ITV Local from Jimbo Studios minutes after the quake struck.
Mark (Channel Manager)
Monday, 3 March 2008
Life on the front line
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Shake, Rattle and Roll
Thursday, 21 February 2008
Rural Buses
Timothy Kirkhope MEP for Yorkshire and The Humber and Conservative spokesman for transport and tourism in the European Parliament, joined passengers for what could be one of the last journeys on DalesBus Service 806. Timothy was accompanied by Howard Handley, chairman of the Yorkshire Dales Public Transport Users Group (YDPTUG) to learn first-hand the difficulties faced on rural bus routes in the region.
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
Driffield Canal
Frosty/foggy morning at Driffield Canal taken byThelma Burrus of North Frodingham
See more weather stories and images in Weather Extra
And the latest forecast here
Monday, 11 February 2008
Cheese over Bilsdale

Monday, 4 February 2008
Between the snow showers
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Leeds Powercut filming
First of the Powercut programmes, featuring Red Go Green Stop, has been filmed at the Royal Park Cellars in Leeds. The show is an experiment to look at new ways of producing shows for the internet. Director Teymour Tehrani, came up with the idea for Powercut as a means of encouraging local music talent.
He's also managed to find some excellent up and coming production talent bringing on board Jamie Donoughue who's brimming with ideas and Rob Gardner who did a great job of the lighting. Andy Squires - a cross between Mark Lemar and Jools Holland - is presenter (sorry to only pick out these guys, there were many others as well). Watch out for this new show on our music channel
Monday, 28 January 2008
Backyard flood
The Moscow State Circus

Paramotoring above Thorpe Marsh

Friday, 25 January 2008
Only Connect
We're very keen to set up good working partnerships with local groups and organisations. Perhaps you need some publicity for a charity event or have a news story to share?
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Travel Channel preview

As a valued reader, I'd like to give you a preview of our new travel channel on ITV Local Yorkshire. The channel doesn't officially launch until Monday, but I thought you'd like to get a head start on using this excellent service. Lance and Nick on our project team have done a great job of getting this regional area up and running. The roadworks map and practical details for road and other travellers is really very good. click here to preview
Everywhere Bywater
Match postponed
Monday, 21 January 2008
More flooding
Here's a great image taken by Richard Barron of the flooding in York. Don't forget to send more of these and videos to The next day or two also promise some cold weather! for the latest weather forcast click here
And to see even more of your photos and videos you can go to the Your News group Yorkshire Floods
Thursday, 3 January 2008
Let it snow
As the region experiences a fall of snow there are mixed feelings. For the elderly and the motorists this can be a hazardous and difficult time, but for children of all ages there's fun to be had.
As the wintry conditions continue, don't forget to take your camera with you and share your images with us. Jon Mitchell and his fellow forecasters will be keeping you up to date on the latest news and featuring some of these pictures in Calendar weekdays at 6pm.
Upload video to ITV Local here
Send photos to Jon Mitchell here
See your snow pictures here
See the snow report here